Vacuum Formed Appliances

Confident Lab’s quality night guards, retainers and bleaching trays are manufactured to patient specification.


This grinding of the teeth can cause problems such as jaw pain, premature wearing of the teeth, headaches and earache.  Night guards create a barrier between the teeth to prevent resulting wear and damage.

Night Guards

We offer 3 types of custom-made night guards.

Soft night guards

  • soft and single layer
  • manufactured from either 2mm or 3mm blanks as per patient specification

Soft/ hard night guards

  • dual layer (harder layer on the outside, soft layer on the inside)
  • manufactured either 2mm or 3mm in thickness as per patient specification

Hard night guards

  • for cases of heavy to severe bruxism
  • processed in clear acrylic

Essix Retainers

These clear, removable retainers are used in the aftercare of orthodontic work, such as the removal of orthodontic braces.  They maintain the position of the teeth after they have been moved.  Made from 0.3mm or 0.4mm Essix blanks.

Bleaching Trays

These are used in conjunction with whitening gel to bleach the teeth.  They are a rigid, clear, removable appliance with the option for reservoirs if required.  Bleaching trays are 1mm thick and semi-hard.